When I started training as an older adult, I had a difficult time finding a school that not only understood my physical needs, but also realized that when I came in to train, it was after a long day of raising children, trying to complete an endless list of tasks, and work. Add the fact that I wanted my triplets to train (yes, you read that right!) with an instructor who was educated and truly understood kids, it proved next to impossible. (Scroll down to read more…)

I discovered that most studios were run by young men who earned their blackbelt and decided to open a school; 90% who did not receive an education in teaching children (just because I know math does not mean I should get a job teaching math to children) and had no idea what it was like to be a parent and almost 40 years old. Discipline was taught to my children through doing endless ‘push ups’ and as a woman, I just needed to ‘get stronger’. (Keep reading for more….)

Then I found the United Studios of Self Defense that not only incorporated personal training into their program (not just ‘group classes’ with a myriad of different ranks all trying to learn techniques en masse), but also would not allow Instructors to teach until they completed a two-year education and internship. Still, there were no women that owned schools, and definitely no moms. So, I decided to enroll in Academy for Martial Arts Instruction and Management and open a school of my own where parents were understood by another parent who also happened to understand kids through genuine experience.

At USSD 4S Ranch, everyone is welcomed, empowered and learns invaluable skill sets. We teach respect by treating our students with respect and our ultimate goal is to not only create great martial artists but inspire everyone to become the best versions of themselves. Over 25 years later, I am still teaching, along side with my now grown children, who will treat your family like ours.